



Task 1



Task 2

More and more people are using computers and electric devices to access information, therefore there is no need to print books, magazines, and newspapers on paper. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Task 3

The world is becoming increasingly digital. Everything is fast-paced, and ready at your

fingertips. However, physical printing still has its place. While online literature can be easily accessed in a wide range of settings, it still comes at a great cost, both financially and to one' s health.【个人观点:虽然网络信息获取很方便,但是并不能代替纸质书籍报刊。】

Proponents of online and digital reading would likely make the argument that they can access a wide range of books cheaply and easily. 【让步:因特网的支持者认为这样获取信息非常方便】They would be right to point to the range and ease of options. A new read can be found from the lounge, without needing to visit a bookshop. What this argument does not recognise, however, is the high initial acquisition cost.【反驳:但是费用是不可忽视的重要问题】 Kindles and iPads are not cheap, and while books may be expensive, they come at a fraction of the cost of electronic devices. For the average person who reads only a few books a year, a dedicated e-reader is unlikely to be financially justifiable.

Paper also carries other great advantages over online reading.【加强反驳:纸质材料不可比拟的优越性】 Recent science tells us that our attention spans are shortening, and push notifications are one of the reasons for this. Reading a (paper) book is an excellent opportunity to escape the pinging of one' s emails and messages, not to mention how distracting they can be.【注意力方面】 Additionally, most devices can damage the user' s eyes if used for prolonged periods, or if used in the dark. They can also cause headaches. If you' re reading a book, you should be safe from all of these ailments.【身体健康方面】

While it is clear that digital materials have their advantages, they have not entirely displaced the humble piece of paper.【271words】




12.30 雅思写作考情回顾|因特网替代传统教育|教育类···········51

Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the Internet,and they can study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


大陆卷:Maintaining public libraries is a waste of time since computer technology is now replacing their function. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4.3 雅思写作考情回顾|从互联网获取信息,是好是坏?|媒体类········14

大陆卷:More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development.









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